Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Estimation Station

Happy Tuesday!

Since we have been back from spring break our guessing bowl activities have changed a little bit. We now have an estimation station which changes weekly. The items are placed in a container on Mondays and students have all week to make an estimate of how many items are in the container. They write their estimate on a sticky note; we then count the items and compare estimates on Fridays.

The students are enjoying this activity and it allows them to utilize their estimation skills. We have now added a step - they each have their own recording booklets they fill in after we count the items as a class. Once the booklets are filled in they will be bringing them home.

Monday, 14 April 2014

In Room 3...

In room 3 we are the best we can be and we help others whenever they need.
by S.H.

In room3 we respect others the way others want to be treated.
by D.K.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Our Co-operation Book and German Night

Our co-operation book will tell us how to be nice to others.
By: D.K.

On April 22 there will be a German fest and our class will be performing a bunny book for the Germen fest. Hope you enjoy!!
By: S.H.